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Your BioRingo Activity Score

What Is the Oura Activity Score?

Your Activity Score is one of three Oura scores that help you answer different questions about your health:

  • Your Readiness Score: How ready are you for the day?
  • Your Sleep Score: How well did you sleep last night?
  • Your Activity Score: How are you balancing your activity, inactivity, and rest?

Your scores are connected and influence each other — giving you a full picture of how your lifestyle impacts your body.

For example, if your activity levels change how you recover, your Readiness Score will adjust to reflect the impact of your training. Similarly, if your Readiness Score drops, your activity goal will automatically adjust to help you prioritize recovery.

Your Activity Score is a great tool to discover your ideal activity-rest balance and adjust your potential training goals.

Your Activity Score ranges from 0-100 and tells you, at-a-glance, how to adjust your activity-rest balance:

  • 85 or higher: Your balance is optimal, keep it up!
  • 70-84: Your balance is good, you’re on the right track.
  • Under 70: Your balance seems off and there may be lifestyle changes you can make to improve it.

Your Activity Contributors

The sum of six daily Activity Contributors make up your Activity Score.  Your contributors help answer deeper questions about your activity patterns’ impact on your health through three core pillars — inactivity, activity amount, and recovery.

Some of your Activity contributors are actually about inactivity and help you answer “Am I successfully avoiding a sedentary lifestyle each day?” 

  • Stay Active: “How much time have I been inactive today?”
  • Move Every Hour: “Have I been able to avoid long periods of inactivity today?” 

While other contributors cover your activity amount and help you answer “Have my activity patterns been healthy and balanced over the past week?”

  • Meet Daily Goals: “In the past week, how many days have I been able to stay active enough to reach my daily activity target?”
  • Training Frequency: “In the past week, how often have I been able to exercise?”
  • Training Volume: “In the past week, how much time have I spent exercising?”

Your last contributor is about recovery and helps you answer “Are you making enough time for recovery?” 

  • Recovery Time: “In the past week, have you been able to take enough recovery days?”

These contributors are designed to help you avoid the health risks of a sedentary lifestyle (increased levels of diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, & weight gain) and take advantage of the boost that regular movement gives to your heart, body, and mind.

Regardless of where you are in your activity journey, you can identify your strengths (in blue) and your potential improvement areas (in red).

Oura also provides tools to help you meet your goals. If you need a bit of encouragement, enable Inactivity Alerts, and get friendly reminders to stretch those legs. If you are ill, injured, or need to pull back a little, head into your Oura App and turn on Rest Mode. This mode temporarily mutes your activity goals so you and your body can prioritize recovery.

More Activity Tools

Oura measures your physical activity 24/7 using a highly sensitive accelerometer, helping you go beyond just measuring steps. Oura gives you credit for every movement, including subtle activities like household chores that may only involve moving your hands. With your profile information in mind (e.g., age, weight, height, and gender), Oura delivers personalized daily activity goals and a record of your overall activity levels and calorie burn.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Goal Progress: “How many active calories have you burned today vs. your Oura goal?”
  • Total Burn: “How many calories have you burned today, including those burned while resting?”
  • Walking Equivalency: “If all of your daily activity was converted into steps, how far would you have to walk to burn that same number of calories?”
  • Steps: “How many steps have you taken today?”

You can also adjust your baseline Activity goal and type of goal — steps or calorie burn. Learn more about personalized activity goals here.

You can use your Goal Progress and Total Burn to decide when to ramp up your activity intensity, take a well-deserved day off, or adjust your caloric intake based on your lifestyle.

You can use your Walking Equivalency and Steps to keep track of your daily activity progress and draw comparisons between different days.

Going Beyond Steps

With Oura, the answer to the question, “Does this activity count?” is always “Yes.”

Oura sets itself apart from traditional activity trackers. Whether you’re on a run or completing some chores around the house that only involve moving your hands (e.g., dishwashing, gardening, or childcare), you get credit for all your daily activities.

To get the full activity picture, Oura displays your overall activity levels in 15-minute increments across your Daily Movement graph. This timeline can help you balance the benefits of low-intensity activities (keeping your blood flowing and giving space for your body to recover) with high-intensity activities (strengthening your heart, lowering your blood pressure, and helping you maintain a healthy weight).

Your Workouts

In addition to your activity metrics, contributors, and Score, Oura also helps you detect and isolate individual activities — labeling them as “workouts.”

Oura has a suite of tools to help you track and log your workouts:

  • Automatic Activity Detection has a title that says it all. It references a list of 20+ activities and automatically detects and labels your workouts.
  • Manual activity logging enables you to track workouts that aren’t automatically detected to make sure no activity or workout falls through the cracks (Yes, even badminton!)
  • App integrations give you the power to import activities from Google Fit, Apple Health, and Strava.

We all have our favorite ways to measure our workouts, and Oura makes it easy to view all of them in one convenient location.

How To Improve Your Oura Activity Score

If you’re looking for ways to improve your Activity Score, keep these principles in mind:

  • Contributors where you receive a “pay attention” message, with a red progress bar, are areas for potential improvement.
  • An Activity Score of 85 or above is optimal. 100s are designed to be rare rather than regular.
  • If an illness, injury, or lifestyle need prevents you from meeting your activity goals, you can temporarily mute your Activity Score Contributors with Rest Mode.

As you’re exploring which Activity Contributors you can improve, it helps to consider which questions they help you answer.

If your inactivity Contributors are in the red, they’re signaling patterns of inactivity. “Are you successfully avoiding a sedentary lifestyle each day?”

To improve these contributors, try enabling Inactivity Alerts for a friendly reminder to stretch your legs or using these tips for staying active. It may also help to keep the design of these contributors in mind:

  • Stay Active estimates your total daily inactive time while you are awake. This contributor excludes when you are naturally sedentary (e.g., asleep). To improve your Stay Active contributor, aim to keep your inactive time under 8 hours each day.
  • Move Every Hour measures how well you’ve avoided long periods of inactivity. To improve this contributor, try moving for 2+ minutes each hour and avoid consecutive hours of inactivity.

If your activity amount or recovery contributors are in the red, they may be signaling the need for a healthier activity-recovery balance. “Have your activity patterns been healthy and balanced over the past week?” and “Are you making enough time for rest?”

To better balance your Activity Contributors, keep these definitions in mind:

  • Meet Daily Goals records how many days over the past week you were able to meet your Oura Activity Goal based on your Readiness Score and profile information (e.g., age and gender). To improve this contributor, meet your goal for at least 3 days each week, and strive for 5 or more days. When it comes to balancing your activity and recovery, there’s one true expert: your body. Oura does not currently enable the manual adjustment of your goal because your Readiness Score is a reflection of your body’s true capacity — and your body knows best.
  • Training Frequency reflects how often you engaged in medium-to-high-intensity activity over the past week. To improve this contributor, try exercising at a medium-to-high-intensity level 3+ times per week. What exactly does that mean? Medium intensity activities noticeably increase your heart rate and breathing rate. You may sweat, but you are still able to carry on a conversation. High-intensity activities leave you huffing and puffing. Try incorporating moderate activities (e.g., jogging, elliptical, gardening) or high-intensity ones (e.g., running) to improve your score.
  • Training Volume captures your total activity time over the past week. To maintain a strong Training Volume, try to get 2,000-3,000 calories of medium-to high-intensity activity each week. For a healthy adult, this is equivalent to approximately 2 hours of jogging or 4.5 hours of brisk walking per week. If your Training Volume falls to 750–1500 calories per week, it will lower your Activity Score. This contributor is all about finding what works for you. Keep in mind that you can meet your goal by adding up longer periods of medium intensity activities (e.g., gardening, walking, errands) or shorter periods of higher intensity activities (e.g., HIIT workout, run). The goal is not to pack your weekly training volume into a short window of time but rather to spread it out and find balance throughout the week.
  • Recovery Time reflects your balance of high and low-intensity activity over the past week, ensuring you’re setting aside recovery time for muscle repair, muscle growth, injury prevention, and mental recovery. To improve this contributor, dedicate one to two days per week to lower-intensity activities like walking. If you’ve gone 5 days without recovery time, this contributor will detract from your score. Keep in mind that “recovery days” do not mean sedentary days — simply taking it slow can help your body recover while still getting your blood circulating with a light activity like a neighborhood stroll.
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Your BioRingo Sleep Score

Table of Contents:

  • What is Your Sleep Score
  • Your Sleep Contributors
  • More Sleep Tools
  • How To Improve Your Sleep Score

What Is Your Sleep Score?

Your Sleep Score is one of three Oura scores that help you answer different questions about your health:

  • Your Readiness Score: How ready are you for the day?
  • Your Sleep Score: How well did you sleep last night?
  • Your Activity Score: How are you balancing your activity, inactivity, and rest?

Your Sleep Score ranges from 0-100 — telling you, at-a-glance, the quality of your sleep and if there are elements that you can adjust to meet your goals:

  • 85 or higher: Your sleep is optimal, keep it up!
  • 70-84: Your sleep is good, you’re on the right track.
  • Under 70: Your sleep is off and maybe balance seems off and there may be lifestyle changes you can make to improve it.

Your Sleep Contributors

Your Sleep Score is made up of seven different personalized sleep elements known as Sleep Contributors. Your contributors help you answer deeper questions about what is impacting the overall quality of your sleep.

  • Total Sleep: “Did you get enough sleep?”
  • Efficiency: “How much of your time in bed did you actually spend sleeping?”
  • Restfulness: “Did you toss and turn?”
  • REM Sleep: “Did you get enough REM sleep?”
  • Deep Sleep: “Did you get enough deep sleep?”
  • Latency: “How quickly did you fall asleep?”
  • Timing: “When are you getting to sleep? Are you going to bed according to your body’s natural circadian rhythm?”

These contributors are designed to help you spot which elements of your sleep are strong and which need improvement.

More Sleep Tools

Beyond your Scores and Contributors, Oura provides more tools to investigate your sleep. At the top of your Sleep tab are 4 additional metrics that support a quick glance at your sleep the night before: Total Sleep Time, Time in Bed, Sleep Efficiency, and Resting Heart Rate.  

Scroll down the Sleep tab even further, and you’ll see a summary of your night’s sleep separated into sleep stages. All four stages of sleep are considered in your Sleep Score: Awake Time, Light Sleep, Deep Sleep, and REM Sleep. Learn more about sleep stages here.

Scroll down the Readiness tab further, and you’ll find your nightly HRV and RHR graphs. Oura is the only wearable that gives you your entire night of HRV data and empowers you to look for recovery patterns in your nighttime heart rate graph.

BioRingo also provides a Nighttime Movement graph. Excess movement can impact how restorative your sleep is — affecting your mood, productivity, mental sharpness, and health.

How To Improve Your Sleep Score

If you’re looking for ways to improve your Sleep Score, keep these principles in mind:

  • Contributors where you receive a “pay attention” message, with a red progress bar, are areas for potential improvement.
  • A Sleep Score of 85 or above is optimal. 100s are designed to be rare rather than regular.
  • Sleep naturally fluctuates and there may be periods of time where your sleep is better or worse..

As you’re exploring which Sleep Contributors you can improve, look for contributors that are red (“pay attention”) and consider which questions they help you answer.

  • Total Sleep: “Did you get enough sleep?” Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of total sleep to perform well and stay healthy. To improve this contributor, try to give yourself more opportunities to stay in bed long enough to get the sleep you need. It can be helpful to take a closer look at whether your total sleep time follows a pattern, like being low during the week and high only on the weekends.
  • Efficiency: “How much of your time in bed did you actually spend sleeping?” For adults, an Efficiency of 85% is considered optimal. If you are spending more time awake in bed, consider addressing what might be waking you up – is caffeine causing you to toss and turn? Noise? Light? Try changing one habit or variable at a time and look for results.
  • Restfulness: “Did you toss and turn?” Waking up, tossing and turning, or getting up is normal at a low level but moving around too frequently will lower your restfulness. Try using your Nighttime Movement graph to identify when you might be waking up – is it throughout the night (e.g., potentially snoring or a pet on the bed) or is it at certain times of the night (e.g, early morning light or sounds).
  • REM Sleep: “Did you get enough REM sleep?” This measures the percentage of time spent in REM sleep, reflected in hours. Associated with dreaming, memory consolidation, and creativity, REM sleep decreases with age. On average, REM sleep accounts for 20-25% of total sleep time for adults. A REM sleep total of 90 minutes or more will result in an optimal Sleep Score. Because REM sleep occurs more in later sleep cycles, the best way to get more REM is to sleep for longer.
  • Deep Sleep: “Did you get enough deep sleep?” This measures the percentage of time spent in deep sleep, reflected in hours. The most restorative and rejuvenating sleep stage, deep sleep makes up anywhere from 0–35% of your total sleep. Deep sleep takes your age into account and will result in an optimal Sleep Score around 90 minutes for young adults and 45 for older individuals. Try these tips.
  • Latency: “How quickly did you fall asleep?” This is the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep at night. Ideally, you will fall asleep within 15 to 20 minutes of lying down. Falling asleep in less than 5 minutes could be a sign that you are going to sleep too late or not getting enough sleep. Too much or too little latency can affect your score. If you’re falling asleep too quickly, it may be a sign of sleep deprivation. If it is taking you longer to fall asleep, consider coming up with a wind-down routine that limits stimulation before bed.
  • Timing: “When are you getting to sleep? Are you going to bed according to your body’s natural circadian rhythm?” This lets you know if you fell asleep according to the natural rhythm of light and dark that supports a circadian rhythm. If the middle of your sleep falls between midnight and 3 a.m. (typically the darkest point in the night), your sleep timing is optimally aligned with a daily cycle. A consistent sleep routine, that supports your circadian rhythm, is important for your body’s essential processes—including metabolic and hormone regulation. Going to sleep within your Ideal Bedtime window will result in a higher Sleep Score.
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Your BioRingo Readiness Score

Table of Contents:

  • What is Your Readiness Score
  • Your Readiness Contributors
  • How To Improve Your Readiness Score

What Is Your Readiness Score?

Your Readiness Score is one of three personalized Oura scores that help you answer different questions about your health:

  • Your Readiness Score: How ready are you for the day?
  • Your Sleep Score: How well did you sleep last night?
  • Your Activity Score: How are you balancing your activity, inactivity, and rest?

Readiness is your main Oura score and is designed for you and only you, helping you discover what works for your body and lifestyle.

Readiness is a holistic picture of your health — taking into account your recent activity, sleep patterns, and direct body signals (like resting heart rate, heart rate variability, and body temperature) that can signify if your body is under strain.

Your Readiness Score ranges from 0-100 and tells you, at-a-glance, if you are ready to face greater challenges or if you need some recovery and rest:

  • 85 or higher: Optimal, you’re ready for action!
  • 70-84: Good, you’ve recovered well enough.
  • Under 70: Pay attention, you’re not fully recovered.

Your Readiness Contributors

The sum of seven, daily Readiness Contributors make up your Readiness Score. Your contributors answer deeper questions about how your body is responding to your lifestyle in three core pillars – sleep, activity, and body stress.

Although you have unique Sleep and Activity Scores, your sleeping and activity levels play a strong role in your daily body status. To account for that, you have dedicated contributors that account for both your short and long term sleep and activity levels.

Two of your Readiness Contributors account for your sleep and help you answer “How is my sleep impacting my Readiness?”

  • Sleep: “How well did I sleep last night compared to normal?”
  • Sleep Balance: “Have I been getting enough sleep in the last 2 weeks?”

Two of your Readiness contributors account for your activity and help you answer “How are my activity patterns impacting my Readiness?”

  • Previous Day Activity: “Did I balance my activity, inactivity and rest yesterday?”
  • Activity Balance: “How much load is my body under from my recent activity levels?”

Your remaining contributors are all dedicated to identifying signs of body stress and help you answer “Are there signs that my body needs recovery or that I may be getting sick?”

  • Resting Heart Rate: “Was my RHR substantially higher or lower than usual?”
  • HRV Balance: “How has my HRV changed over the past few weeks?”
  • Body Temperature: “Is my body temperature higher or substantially lower than usual?”
  • Recovery Index: “After my heart rate reached its baseline last night, how many hours of recovery sleep did I get?”

These contributors are entirely personal and are designed to help you spot signs of strain from stress, illness, injury, or another shift in your health — before you even feel anything in some cases. If your temperature is elevated, Oura will automatically alert you and give the option to use tools like Rest Mode to help you care for yourself.

Keep in mind that your Readiness Score places a unique emphasis on how your health is trending over time. While many wearables focus on today or last night, Oura believes that health is a journey for long term balance and supports that exploration with long term contributors: Sleep Balance, Activity Balance, and HRV Balance.

More Readiness Tools

Beyond your Scores and Contributors, Oura provides more tools to investigate how ready your body is each day. At the top of your Readiness tab are 4 additional metrics — your average resting heart rate, heart rate variability, change in body temperature, and respiratory rate.

  • Resting Heart Rate (RHR) is the number of times your heart beats per minute while at rest. A below-average resting heart rate is a signal of recovery.
  • Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is an indicator of the variation between your heartbeats and is an indicator of your stress levels, recovery status, and general well-being. Read more.
  • Body Temperature is the change in your nighttime skin temperature from your average which can act as an early signal of illness or hormonal fluctuations. Read more.
  • Respiratory Rate is the number of breaths you take per minute while asleep. Respiratory rates may increase with illness or stress.

Scroll down the Readiness tab further, and you’ll find your nightly HRV and RHR graphs. Oura is the only wearable that gives you your entire night of HRV data and empowers you to look for recovery patterns in your nighttime heart rate graph. 

How To Improve Your Readiness Score

If you’re looking for ways to improve your Readiness Score, keep these principles in mind:

  • Contributors where you receive a “pay attention” message, with a red progress bar, are areas for potential improvement.
  • A Readiness Score of 85 or above is optimal. 100s are designed to be rare rather than regular.
  • If an illness, injury, or lifestyle need prevents you from meeting your activity goals, you can temporarily mute your Activity Score & Contributors with Rest Mode.

As you’re exploring which Readiness Contributors you can improve, it helps to consider which questions they help you answer.

If your sleep contributors are in the red, try exploring whether it’s your short-term (Sleep) or long-term (Sleep Balance) contributors that need improvement. To improve these contributors, keep these tips in mind:

  • Sleep: The quality of your previous night’s sleep significantly impacts your next day’s mental and physical performance. A Sleep Score above 85 will boost your Readiness Score. Try these tips for improving your sleep score.
  • Sleep Balance: This contributor is a measure of your sleep debt. It analyzes whether your sleep over the past two weeks is in balance with your body’s needs and how much sleep you tend to get. To improve, aim for multiple nights of consistently good sleep when you can rather than “making up for lost sleep” on weekends or holidays.

If your activity contributors are in the red, try exploring whether it’s your short-term (Previous Day Activity) or long-term (Activity Balance) contributors that need improvement. To improve these contributors, keep these tips in mind:

  • Previous Day Activity: Being unusually inactive or active the day before lowers your Readiness Score. If you’re struggling to stay active, check out these tips for improving your Activity Score. If you’re seeing your score dip because of high activity, keep in mind that Readiness signals a capacity that is meant to be used to achieve your goals. High levels of activity can be good for your health but may result in a temporary Readiness dip as your body rebounds. Find what works for you.
  • Activity Balance: This measures how activity levels over the past 2 weeks may be affecting your readiness. For maximum performance, aim to maintain a good balance with your low, medium and high intensity activities. Your activity balance can drop temporarily during a peak training phase, but it should bounce back to normal as you recover. Staying in balance will boost your readiness and help you stay productive and healthy.

If your body stress contributors are in the red, your body may need rest and recovery. Oftentimes, these contributors are less about improving or aiming to hit a certain benchmark and more about being in touch with what your body needs. These insights may help:

  • HRV Balance: This contributor compares your recent HRV to your long-term average. While individual days may be lower after high-intensity exercise, a night out, or a stressful day, if your HRV balance is on par with or better than your average, it’s a sign of good recovery. Read more.
  • Body Temperature: Body temperature readings significantly above or below your normal range will lower your score. You can read more about how the Oura Community has used this to monitor for illness or to spot changes in pregnancy status and menstrual cycle phases.
  • Recovery Index: This contributor captures how long it takes for your resting heart rate to stabilize during the night. If your resting heart rate approaches its lowest point during the first half of the night, this can be a good sign for recovery. If your heart rate remains high, try looking at what might be keeping it up – late meals, caffeine, exercise, stress or stimulation may be the culprit.
  • Resting Heart Rate: Oura interprets a resting heart rate on par with your average as a sign that your mind and body are recovering well during sleep. An overly high or low resting heart rate may mean you’re overly stressed and not getting enough rest, or perhaps your immune system is fighting something. If your heart rate remains high, try looking at what might be keeping it up – late meals, caffeine, exercise, stress or stimulation may be the culprit.
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What Makes the BioRingo Different?

BioRingo is your personalized health tool — packing sleep insights, heart rate monitoring, activity tracking, illness monitoring, and more into a single (and stylish) wearable.

After all, personalization is key. When it comes to health and well-being, what works for one person won’t necessarily work for you. That’s where BioRingo is different: It gets to know your personal “normal” and provides tailored insights to help you answer key questions about your health.

What Is BioRingo?

Your BioRingo and membership work hand-in-hand, quite literally, to support your personal health journey.

The BioRingo uses advanced sensor technology to deliver personalized sleep and health insights straight from the most reliable source: your body.

With your BioRingo membership, your experience with BioRingo improves over time , adapting to your body. When BioRingo gets to know you, detailed and highly accurate insights help you to better understand your overall well being.

Finally, through your BioRingo App, you are empowered to optimize your daily routines and answer key questions about your health like:

  • “How ready am I for the day?”
  • “How well did I sleep last night?”
  • “How am I balancing my activity with rest?”

What Makes BioRingo Different?

Oura is designed to provide accurate insights without disrupting your life. With precise sensors, Oura packs state-of-the-art heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), temperature, activity, and sleep monitoring technology into a lightweight, non-invasive ring.

Accuracy Above All

When you visit your doctor, there’s a reason they measure your pulse from your finger and not the wrist: accuracy. Your  finger is the ideal source for reliable, impactful data, and Oura leverages this reality by:

Measuring closer to your heart: While wrist sensors sit far away from the arteries on the underside of the wrist, Oura measures directly from the arteries in your fingers to capture signals directly from your heart.

Prioritizing the right sensors: Oura uses infrared light photoplethysmography (PPG), which measures deeper than the green light LEDs found in most other wearables.

Taking your temperature: Oura is one of the only wearables that measures your temperature directly from your skin, 24/7. Temperature is one of your core vital signs and reveals key insights about your body’s systems including impacts of strain, illness, and phases of the menstrual cycle.

Maximizing data quality: Oura samples at an unparalleled sampling rate of 50Hz. More data enables richer insights.

Constantly validating: While Oura is not a medical device, its capabilities are near perfect when compared to advanced medical technologies.

  • Sleep Staging Algorithm: Oura’s research scientists developed a new sleep staging algorithm that achieves 79% agreement with gold-standard polysomnography (PSG) for 4-stage sleep classification (wake, light, deep, and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep). By contrast, most commercial wrist-based wearables are limited to 60-65% agreement.
  • Resting heart rate: 99.9% reliability compared to a medical-grade electrocardiogram (ECG) and validated against PSG. Read the study.
  • Heart rate variability: 98.4% reliability compared to medical-grade ECG. Read the study.
  • Temperature trends: Matches performance with research-grade sensors at >99% and measures temperature trend changes as small as 0.13 °C. Read the study.

Personalized for You

With each person comes a unique version of “normal.” Rather than base your averages on impersonal population benchmarks — like “hit 10,000 steps” — Oura gets to know you and provides personalized baselines and insights. Whether your sleep took a hit after a night out, or you’re prioritizing balance in your wellness routine — Oura helps you reach your goals by delivering the best 360° view of your health.

Easy to Use

Getting started with Oura is a simple process, and its small form factor and lack of a tight wristband ensure your normal routine can carry on uninterrupted.

  • Sleep soundly: You shouldn’t have to disrupt your sleep to track it. Without a screen or vibrations, the Oura Ring is one of the most subtle and comfortable ways to accurately monitor your sleep.
  • Keep your routine: Go about your day without having to worry about tightening a strap or packing a charger. The ring has a long battery life, is water-resistant up to 100m, and can withstand a variety of temperatures, ranging from saunas to ice baths.

Integrates With Your Favorite Apps

While BioRingo enables activity tracking all on its own, it also gives you the power to integrate apps such as Apple Health, Google Fit and Strava that you already use and love. See all the current BioRingo App integrations here.

What Does Oura Measure?

Your body’s signals are wrapped up into three simple scores that help you answer different questions about your health:

Your scores range from 0-100 – each day, a quick glance at your scores is enough to get a daily overview of your health.

Your Readiness Score is your main score and helps you understand your capacity for the day, so you know when to push and when to take it easy.

LEARN MORE: Your Oura Readiness Score

Your Oura scores provide unique and personalized insights compared to other tools. Oura emphasizes key health elements:

  • They are connected. Your scores are connected – delivering a holistic picture of your health rather than siloed stats. For example, rather than set static activity goals like “10,000 steps,” Oura automatically adjusts your Activity Goal daily based on your Readiness Score. If your body needs time to recover, Oura helps you find that balance.
  • They celebrate recovery. While many tools help you achieve milestones, Oura emphasizes the importance of recovery — whether that’s celebrating the impact of taking a rest day on your body or flagging how a late meal delayed your heart rate recovery.
  • They help you monitor for illness. Oura can help you flag when something is off in your data, like an elevated temperature, and even recommend Rest Mode when you need it most.
  • They dig deeper. Inside each of your scores are additional tools to help you answer how your lifestyle impacts your sleep, recovery, and activity. For example, your Sleep Score might flag a poor night of sleep, but it also empowers you to see what elements of your sleep are causing that response.

READ MORE: Using Oura to Listen to Your Body

Become an BioRingo Member

With an Oura Membership, you don’t need to be a medical professional, fitness enthusiast, or yoga master (though you totally can be!) to understand your health; all you need is a willingness to listen and learn from your body.

The Oura Membership is powered by 24/7 monitoring from your Oura Ring. Your Membership allows you to:

  • Wake up to a daily report on your readiness, sleep quality, and activity goals for the day.
  • Analyze your sleep, with advanced sleep stages tracking and Blood Oxygen (SpO2) sensing.
  • Stay active with real-time activity and performance tracking, including automatic activity detection and workout heart rate.
  • Monitor for stress or sickness via heart rate variability and temperature trend tracking.
  • Understand key health trends and correlations, with weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports.