Elevate Your Health Monitoring with the Ultimate Smart Ring

All-in-One sleep, activity, and recovery tracking, all gracefully wrapped around your finger. The sleek design makes it stylish and functional

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Experience Unrivaled Accuracy with BioRingo
Where Heart Rate Measurement Meets Precision

The focal advantage of the BioRingo device lies in its unwavering commitment to precision, achieved through a distinctive approach. By meticulously capturing the pulse signal emanating from the palm underside of the finger, as opposed to the comparatively feeble signal often encountered at the wrist, the BioRingo device ensures an unparalleled level of accuracy. This methodology mirrors the practices employed by medical experts to attain reliably precise heart rate readings.


4-7 Days


Our Pledge to Privacy

At BioRingo, safeguarding your data is paramount. Every byte of information is harnessed solely to enhance your journey and furnish valuable insights. We staunchly refrain from vending your data to external entities or leveraging it for advertising pursuits with other firms.

Our Philosophy

Guiding Your Aspirations: Every Step of the Way. Embarking on the quest to unveil your innermost potential, we stand as your unwavering allies. Our mission is to kindle a profound realization of the profound symbiosis between your mind and body, fostering a journey of enlightenment and self-discovery.

Our Core Mission

At BioRingo, our compass is unwavering. We were established with a sole objective: to elevate the quality of existence. We aspire to awaken the consciousness that health is not just a routine, but a daily commitment that underpins a life of equilibrium and vitality for all.

Dive into the App

Embrace Self-Care as a Priority for Your Body. BioRingo’s Sensitivity Unveils Fatigue, Potential Illness, and Stress through Body Signal Analysis. Activate the Rest Mode Prompt to Revise Daily Goals, Paving the Way for Enhanced Rest and Revitalization

Prioritize Your Body's Wellbeing: Harness the Power of Three Daily Scores

Unveiling insights through scores: Uncover your body’s signals and requirements, every moment, every day. From sleep and readiness to activity, your scores unravel the intricacies of your body’s sensations and necessities. Recognize the call for extra rest, anticipate potential health shifts, grasp moments for personal exertion, and beyond. All are tailor-made within the BioRingo App for your unique journey.

Embrace Tranquil Nights with the Foremost Sleep Tracker in the Industry

Usher in Improved Health, Elevated Moods, and Heightened Vitality, Ignited by Restful Sleep. Awaken to an intricate exploration of your deep sleep, light sleep, REM sleep, blood oxygen levels, and more. Simple shifts in your daily rituals possess the ability to enhance your sleep quality, thereby metamorphosing your holistic well-being.

Sharpen Your Fitness Perspective

From Marathon Strides to Everyday Errands, BioRingo Keeps Pace with You. Monitor Your Movement, Steps, Heart Rate, and Recovery. Unearth the Optimal Equilibrium between Activity and Rejuvenation, Guiding You towards Attaining Your Individual Fitness Milestones

Powered by Collaborative Expertise

BioRingo Collaborates with Industry Pioneers for Research and Development Insights.

Elegance, Comfort, Precision. BioRingo Seamlessly Integrates into Your 24/7 Lifestyle